Home Malaita Malaita supports beneficiary mapping exercise at Bina

Malaita supports beneficiary mapping exercise at Bina

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The Malaita Provincial Government in fulfilling its obligations under the recently signed MOU with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has supported the ministry with the beneficiary mapping exercise. The exercise started on Sunday 12th and completed on Monday 20th July.

A statement from the province states that the beneficiary mapping exercise is a critical part of the land settlement process for the Bina Harbour Tuna Processing Plant Project – BTPPP.

“This exercise ensures the resource owners are rightly identify and recorded. It is also the basis for a clear beneficiary scheme for the land owning groups,” the statement, states.

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According to the statement, the MPG participation is crucial – as a partner in the development of the project under the newly singed MOU. It adds it is also a good exercise for the province so that it can help with messaging of the new scheme that is more such sustainable.

Similarly, M4D was invited to see and experience firsthand information of the new development approach that if successful can be used as a model for tribal land development in Malaita.

The mapping exercise involves the registering and recording of all living persons of the land owning tribes, including taking of photos of the persons and recording their parents and grandparents. The list of names then goes through further verification by the elders. After the verification process, the list has to be given to the group for final checking, which could up to two weeks.

“After the final list is been approved the next process will be for the groups to make nominations for the election of their trustees. This will be another major exercise MPG is looking forward to be part of. The Pacific Horizon Consultant firm has been hired to conduct the beneficiary mapping exercise. The same consultant firm did the same task for the Tina Hydro Project,” the statement said.

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