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The Government Services Integration Committee (GSIC) have met with members of the Solomon Islands National University Executive on 6 February 2023 to discuss the Safe and Green Games campaign, which will be launched by the Prime Minister on 24 February, in Honiara.

GSIC Chairman Mr. Bernard Bata’anisia recognised the continuous support from SINU to the games National Hosting Authority (NHA) more especially through the existing Venues Use Agreement enabling NHA, as part of maximizing games legacy, to construct new facilities and upgrade existing ones within SINU to be used during and after the games.

“The government through the Sol2023 NHA values its partnership with SINU and intends to further strengthen it by involving the institution, in the Safe and Green Games Campaign, which will see the physical transformation of Honiara City into a Green and Safe City,” Said Mr. Bata’anisia.

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The GSIC team gave a rundown of the plans for the launch and were open to any suggestions from the SINU executive on how to best utilize SINU’s pool of human resources during the campaign and after the games.

Games Organising Committee (GOC) Chief Executive Officer Mr. Peter Stewart gave a brief presentation on the operational aspects of the Games specifically on what has been achieved and what is expected during the Games.

“In terms of preparations I can safely say we are still on track. During the two weeks of Games in Honiara City, we will be operating some of the largest facilities in the world including a catering centre, accommodation, waste management, and more. We are also ready to launch our volunteer programme which we will need up to three thousand volunteers to support our officers,” Mr. Stewart said.

In ensuring the timely and sufficient delivery of the Safe and Green Games campaign the Government has allocated a total of $88.3 million SBD which will be funneled through respective government Ministries who will support the Sol2023 NHA under their respective mandates.

Speaking on Behalf of SINU, Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. Transform Aqorau acknowledged the initiative by GSIC and affirmed SINU’s support to the Safe Green Games campaign.

“SINU is a learning institution that facilitates the development of our Human resources, who in average are young people. Most athletes who will be taking part in the Pacific Games are also young people and we hope that some of our students do take part in this event,” said Dr. Aqorau.

The SINU Pro Vice Chancellor called on the GSIC team to consider utilizing SINU’s existing Human resources to enable a pathway for innovation and ingenuity whilst preserving the games legacy.

“The games is truly a catalyst for development, not only physically but also an opportune time and space to develop our human resources. The idea of beautifying the city before our pacific Neighbours visit our shores 7 months from here, is a timely call. I believe that with the right support from government, we can reciprocate the call to action, in partnership with relevant government Ministry’s in areas such as beatification, landscaping, solid waste management, and tree planting,” Dr. Aqorau said.

In addition, SINU Pro Vice-Chancellor (corporate) Mr. Shadrach Fanega called on GSIC to also consider beautifying the games villages as soon as possible to give a lasting impression to the visiting athletes and the games legacy.

GSIC Chairman Bernard Bata’anisia then commended the SINU executive for their affirmed commitment and support towards the safe Green Games Campaign and also for providing the committee with valuable suggestions and ideas for future collaborations with the institution.


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