Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Professional Standard Internal Investigation (PSII) Department in Honiara have completed the investigation into a $2,000.00 which is alleged to have gone missing under police custody during an investigation.
Acting Commissioner of Police Mostyn Mangau says, “PSII investigators have interviewed the convicted suspect in the case and her husband and two police officers who investigated the concerned matter and found that the claim by the convicted suspect lacked evidence to support the claim that the $2,000.00 had gone missing under police custody.
Acting Commissioner Mangau adds: “There is strong evidence to suggest that the convicted suspect was attempting to conceal the real facts from the police officers investigating the case in order to protect her husband.
“She’s been giving false information to the police about the $8,000.00 money retrieved. The correct money retrieved was $6,000.00. Now it’s another offence to provide false and incorrect information to the police,” says Acting Commissioner Mangau.
He adds: “The matter has now been handed over to investigators at the Honiara City Central Police Station to proceed with a criminal investigation into this case as there is sufficient evidence to consider charging the couple for misleading and giving false information to police.”