Major upgrading of Noro township roads in Western Province is on track to commence in early 2024. The improvements are being jointly financed between the government and World Bank under the Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project Phase 2 (SIRAP2).
The existing road network in Noro is in serious need of upgrade and the works are set to benefit thousands of people living in Noro, Munda and surrounding areas while providing important benefits for access to healthcare, education, markets, tourism opportunities and other economic activities.
A Request for Bids for the upgrades has been published and direct invitations were sent to potential contractors on Friday November 17. Tenders are set to close on December 15 which will be followed by an evaluation and awarding of the contract in early 2024 with works beginning shortly after.
To improve the quality and resilience of the roads during rainy seasons, SIRAP2 will finance pavement strengthening, pothole/edge repairs, surfacing raising, and drainage improvements so the roads are safer and better prepared for forecasted rainfall increases.
The Co-Chair of the SIRAP 2 Steering Committee, and Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Mckinnie Dentana said, these roads will benefit over 7,000 people. ‘’Communities in the area can expect to see safer and more reliable access to markets and services, with better roads resulting in reduced travel times and vehicle operating costs. These improvements will improve quality of life, income opportunities, and access to care for the people of Western Province PS Dentana added.
In addition to the Noro town road improvements, SIRAP2 is also constructing four new bridges in Malaita (Kolofe1, Kolofe2, Su’u Harbor, and Bira Bridges), providing upgrades to Honiara and Munda Airports and Santa Cruz (Lata) Airfield, investing in air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Provinces, and supporting regional airport maintenance.
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