Home News Japan to acquire new fire fighting truck for RSIPF

Japan to acquire new fire fighting truck for RSIPF

Yoshiaki Miwa, Ambassador of Japan in Solomon Islands hands cheque to  Stephen Dekyi- Director-Fire Division
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The Japan’s Grassroot and Human Security Project will assist with the procurement of Fire Fighting Truck to the RSIPF worth more than $328,000.

The Japan Firefighters Association through the Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA) Japan donated firefighting truck.

The total amount of assistance reaches approximately USD39, 913 (Thirty-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirteen US dollars or about SBD$328,772).

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Yoshiaki Miwa, Ambassador of Japan in Solomon Islands said he hoped and believed that this Firefighting truck would be put into good use that would benefit the people around Honiara City.

“This Firefighting equipment is essential to provide protection to the essential infrastructure and buildings around Honiara City. This project is a very good example that the people of Japan are able to cooperate with the people of Solomon Islands for its development and we believe that this gift will have positive impacts,” he said.

“We would also like to emphasize that today is the beginning day and we do expect strong community commitment. We are looking forward to seeing the successful completion of this project in the near future resulting in stronger relationship between Japan and Solomon Islands,” he said.

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