The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has provided the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Forensic Unit with specialist equipment and consumables to support the investigative capability of the RSIPF.
AFP advisors working with the RSIPF and AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) previously helped establish digital forensic and drug testing capabilities within the Forensic Unit.
RAPPP has been providing advisory support and mentoring in digital forensic examinations, drug testing, and traditional forensic disciplines including crime scene investigation and fingerprint comparison.
With the assistance of the Pacific Police Development Program (PPDPR), AFP is able to deliver new digital forensic tools, drug laboratory equipment, and crime scene and fingerprint consumables to the RSIPF.
The equipment delivered will contribute to the ongoing development of the emerging and traditional forensic capabilities of the RSIPF. The items will ensure the RSIPF continue to deliver high quality forensic support to police operations across the country and throughout the Pacific.
With major events occurring in Solomon Islands in coming months, notably the Pacific Games and the National General Elections, the forensic equipment and consumables provided will make sure the RSIPF Forensic Unit is equip and ready to combat transnational crime alongside Pacific partners.