Home News Who is the ‘higher authority’? Wale probes logging shipment directive

Who is the ‘higher authority’? Wale probes logging shipment directive

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LEADER of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale has called on the Government to clarify who gave the directive to Cape West Enterprise Limited to export round logs on June 23.

Island Sun has reported that the directive to allow the shipment came from a ‘higher authority’ and not from the Commissioner of Forest or the Minister of Forestry.

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The paper reported that the license holder is Anthony Veke, the Minister of Police, National Security, and Correctional Services, and Member of Parliament for West Guadalcanal.

The Island Sun also reported that Minister Veke’s brother owns Cape West Enterprise.

“So who is the higher authority and under what law does he get his powers from? Hon Wale questioned.

The Opposition Leader encouraged officials in the forest ministry to speak up against such corruptive practice.

“It would be interesting to know if anyone else apart from the Commissioner of Forest and the Minister of Forestry has the powers to permit this shipment.

Hon Wale has urged the Ministry of Forestry to impound proceeds on this shipment and a thorough investigation to be carried out.


Opposition Press-

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