OPPOSITION Leader Hon Matthew Wale has lashed out at the Prime Minister for misleading the people on the government’s plan to extend the life of Parliament.
This followed the Prime Minister’s recent independence speech which he stated that the government is not proposing to extend the current parliament to five years, but rather to defer the national general election to be held after the 2023 Pacific Games is hosted.
Hon Wale said it is disgraceful that the Prime Minister has picked his independence speech to mislead people.
Hon Wale said it is a disgrace to lie to people in this country when the Cabinet Paper clearly indicates that Cabinet has in fact agreed already on the extension in the first quarter of last year.
“The Cabinet Paper clearly stated that Cabinet has agreed to extend the term of Parliament from four to five years and not a deferment,” he said.
Hon Wale said the Prime Minister is playing his usual deceptive tactics again to mislead people with use of the word ‘deferment’.
“And yet he is wondering why people in this country do not trust him,” he said.
The Opposition Leader has urged the Prime Minister not to misinform people and do the right thing.
“Red flags have been raised and there is a clear opposition from individuals and groups around the country. But the fact that the Prime Minister and Cabinet has an agenda to bulldoze their plans to extend the life of Parliament knowing well possible consequences are unimaginable and irresponsible,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Opposition Leader has reiterated that the Opposition will not support any plans to extend the life of Parliament because it is not in the best interest of the country.
‘The Opposition’s group stance is clear. Without a clear mandate from the people during elections, Parliament must not be extended. Yet the sad irony is that the one place where Government can get the mandate required for such a change is the very thing they are trying to postpone’, Hon Wale said.
Opposition Press