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The Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Anthony Veke attended the 90th  INTERPOL General Assembly meeting’ in New Delhi, India from October 18 – 21.

The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s top level governing body and it consists of delegates appointed by the governments of member countries. Minister Veke was accompanied by his Permanent Secretary and the Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.

SI became a member of INTERPOL in 2017.

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INTERPOL brings together member countries to its annual general assembly meeting to discuss policing issues and sharing different policing tools, particularly, technological innovations and methods in fighting crime.

Each member country may be represented by one or several delegates who are typically chiefs of police and senior ministry officials.

Its purpose is to ensure that INTERPOL’s activities correspond to the needs of our member countries. It does this by determining the principles and measures for the Organization to reach its objectives, and by reviewing and approving the programme of activities and financial policy for the coming year.

In addition, the General Assembly elects the members of the Executive Committee, the governing body which provides guidance and direction in between sessions of the Assembly.

On the agenda each year are also the major crime trends and security threats facing the world.

As the largest global gathering of senior law enforcement officials, the General Assembly also provides an important opportunity for countries to network and share experiences.

The General Assembly takes decisions in the form of Resolutions. Each member country represented has one vote. The decision-making process is made by either a simple or two-thirds majority, depending on the subject matter. These Resolutions are public documents and available from 1960 to the current date on this site.

After the INTERPOL meeting, Minister Veke travelled to Canberra where he held meetings with the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police on the Policing Capability Program.

The AFP is currently delivering a 4 years Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Australian Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) for the RSIPF.

The program commenced in July 2020 and is providing support to develop the capabilities and capacities of the police force. Program also assists in building infrastructure projects.

Minister Veke also visited AFP training centres that hosts RSIPF officers for their trainings in Canberra and Sydney.

Minister arrives back in the country on Friday October 28, 2022.


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