Premier of Temotu Province Clay Forau Soalaoi will face a motion of no confidence next week on 30 March with 39 allegations been put on notice again him and his government by the mover.
Speaker of the Temotu Provincial Assembly Hon Johnson levela in a note to SBMOnline states that his Office (Office of Speaker) on Wednesday 22 March 2023, received a Notice of Motion of No Confidence in the Premier of Temotu Province. The notice was submitted by Member for Duff Islands Hon Stanley Tehiahua under Order 111 of TPA Standing Orders.
“Having perused the content of the Notice and its attachments, I am satisfied that the Notice is in order thus accepted it and set the down Motion for debate on Thursday 30 March 2023 @9:00am,” Levela told SBMOnline.
He said the Clerk was instructed to issue a Notice Paper under Order 112 and have it posted in the Provincial Notice Board the same day.
Levela said the Member for Duffs Stanley Tehiahua has listed in his Attachment to the Notice a total 39 of allegations which his Office shall not divulge into.
“However, I believe the important task for me now is that I am satisfied that the allegations are well within what is required as specific terms for ground for lack of confidence prescribed in Order 113 of TPA Standing Orders,” he said.
Order 113. A motion of no-confidence must state in specific terms the grounds for the lack of confidence, being:
-gross misuse, abuse or neglect of the powers of the office;
-misappropriation of public funds;serious breaches of any legislation binding the Provincial
-Executive or the Assembly in execution of duties as Premier; or
-any other grounds which may bring the office into serious disrepute;
Levela said: “I do respect the Hon Premier hence I had taken action to seek opinion from both the Ministry of Provincial Government & Institutional Strengthening and Attorney General’s Chamber as to whether I had fairly and rightfully exercised my powers under the Standing Orders on the decision I took. So far the Ministry had concluded an opinion which confirmed that my decision was within the powers of the Office I hold under the Standing Orders; and what I had done was within the requirements of Standing Orders,” he said.
He said the opinion conveyed by the Ministry further concurred that the allegations listed by the Member for Duffs were quite serious therefore necessary for the motion to be debated in the floor of the Assembly.
Levela also revealed that he was also awaiting for any legal opinion from Attorney General’s Chamber as to whether there would be any legal implications that may require him to have his decision reviewed or rescinded.
“Other than that the Motion as it stands should be tabled in the Assembly by the Member for Duffs on Thursday 30 March 2023,” he said.
“I have endeavoured to ensuring that the formal process to notify the public as required by Standing Orders are adhered and do ensure that that I have fairly and rightfully exercised the powers vested in me as Speaker in my handling of the matter,” the Speaker, said.
He adds: “It is now the prerogative of Our Elected Members to deal with the motion. As such I appeal to all Temotuans particularly those in and around in Lata and Santa Cruz to remain calm. The motion like any other business of the Assembly is an important matter which only our elected leaders can decide. The public must therefore allow our Members of Assembly to freely and fairly exercise their responsibility in dealing with this business without any interference or threats. As your Assembly Speaker, I won’t tolerate any statements which may be inferred to be threat to any member of the House nor allow any form of misbehaviour or disorder that could be aligned to this Assembly Business. As such I shall be not be hesitant to refer to Police any person or persons whom I find to have said or done any act that may be regarded to be a threat to any member on both sides House or any member of public.”
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