Lorah Maelosia was just 17-years-old when she lifted her way to three silver medals behind her role model Jenlyn Wini on Monday at the Maranatha Hall.
“Today’s my birthday so the medals came a day earlier as my birthday gifts,” she joked yesterday in an interview with SBMOnline.

Dubbed the new Wini, Lorah admitted it is a tough act to follow and huge shoes to fill but she’s determined to carry on the legacy.
Lorah turned to weight-lifting after she could not continue her schooling because of school fee problems.
“I could not continue because of school issues,” she said in a soft voice as she nodded her head.
Laura took up weight-lifting just last year and fell in love with the sport.
Hailed from Dala in West Kwara’ae, Laura bagged three sliver medals in the 55kg coming second behind her mentor and iconic lifter Wini.
“I feel very honoured and very happy to win the medals,” she added.
However, having won three silver medals was something she didn’t expect given the field of lifters in her group.
“I never expected to win,” she said.
However, the victory was very emotional for her.
“I was just 17 when I lifted yesterday (Monday). Having won the medals I shed tears and very emotional given the challenges I have gone through in life as they came back very fresh in my mind,” she said.
On replacing Wini, she admitted that it would be tough but she would want to say in the 55kg category.
“I want to stay in this category and hope do well in the future,” she said.
“My aim is to replace our gold medalist (Jenlyn),” she said with a smile.
Asked on what advice she would like to give to young people who dropout from school and have nothing to do, she replied: “I encourage them to take up sports as it is good for discipline and building them to become good citizens.”
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