Malaita Province today issued a statement stating that the reconciliation held between its Deputy Premier Glen Waneta and the Prime Minister Manesseh Sogavare in Suafa this week cannot be seen as a reconciliation between the MARA government and the DCGA government.
In the statement it says it appeared that some of the local media outlets including the SIBC NEWS have reported incorrectly the nature of the reconciliation ceremony that took place at the Suafa economic growth Centre in North Malaita.
“It must be correctly stated that the reconciliation that took place between the Hon Prime Minister and the Deputy Premier was a kastom ceremony conducted in recognition of the fact that madam Sogavare is a Malaitan and she had accompanied her husband who is the prime minister to Suafa, Malaita province. And that during the recent riots in Honiara, there would be Malaitans who were also involved in the damaging of the PM’s property at Lunga,” the statement states.
“The reconciliation was to apologize to the PM for being married to a Malaita woman and that during the recent riots their property among other things was destroyed by looters that would also include people from Malaita province. Therefore by kastom, it is prudent that the Deputy Premier says sorry and apologies to madam Sogavare and her husband the Prime Minister on behalf of the people and government of Malaita province.
The Deputy Premier would also like to state clearly that the reconciliation cannot be seen as a reconciliation between the MARA government and the DCGA government. That was not what the reconciliation was about. It was rather a kastom ceremony to say sorry and apologize to someone who is an in-law to a tribe in the northern region of Malaita.
To be clear the reconciliation at the Suafa growth center has not altered nor changed any policy positions of the MARA Malaita Provincial government. This includes the MARA government’s position on development principles as set out in the Auki Malaita Communique and the 15 points log of claims submitted to the DCGA government on the second appointed day of the province in August. On the latter, it was the DCGA government that made the request for the log of claims. The MARA government is still waiting for any official responses from the DCGA government.
It could be that this is a stepping stone to a more concrete reconciliation ceremony in the future where the issues contained in the 15 points log of claims to the DCGA government could be discussed and addressed. Similarly, other issues of concern between the two governments could also be settled once and for all,” the statement concluded