Home Health PS wants WHO to address substandard and falsified medical products

PS wants WHO to address substandard and falsified medical products

SI Health Permanent Secretary Mrs. Pauline McNeil delivering interventions on substandard and falsified medical products and strengthening rehabilitation in health systems at the 76th World Assembly Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
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Health PS Pauline McNeil highlighted the importance of addressing substandard and falsified medical products & call for WHO support towards the country’s RDP

On Friday 26th of May, Health Permanent Secretary Mrs. Pauline in her intervention during the 76th World Health Assembly Meeting committee level session, highlighted the importance of addressing substandard and falsified medical products (item 13.3) and calls for WHO support in reviewing and further develop the country’s Role Delineation Policy (item 13.4).

Health Permanent Secretary delivered the intervention on behalf of the Minister Hon. Dr Culwick Togamana who attended the WHO Executive Board members election.

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On item 13.3 Mrs McNeil highlighted that the recent issue with the contaminated cough syrup investigated by the WHO in January was a grave concern to Solomon Islands, fortunate enough the product did not enter the country.

She highlighted that it is critical that efforts to address substandard and falsified medical product is strengthened stating that the issue is an important one to ensure that whatever is brought in the country and administer to patients is effective to cure diseases and is safe.

“Chair we look forward to the ongoing support of WHO to strengthen post-marketing surveillance of safety and quality monitoring of medicines”, said Mrs. McNeil.

With regards to item 13.4 strengthening rehabilitation in health systems, Mrs McNeil said provided updates on work in this regard in Solomon Islands.

“Chair Solomon Islands endorses the Rehabilitation 2020: A Call for Action in 2017 which identified areas for united and concerted action and encourages countries to prioritize the expansion of accessible and affordable rehabilitation within the healthcare system”,

“Last year, our Ministry of Health launched the Rehabilitation Strategic Plan 2022-2031 and its National Disability Development Policy 2022-2031 aiming to increase access to timely, effective, person-centered rehabilitation that is integrated at all levels of healthcare and communities”, outlined Mrs. McNeil.

She also added that the Solomon Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade is in the process of formally submitting the documentation to the UN office on the country’s ratification of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

“Solomon Islands notes the decision of the committee for Member States to: (1) strengthen financing mechanisms, (2) expand rehabilitation across all levels of care including integration along the continuum of care, (3) develop strong multidisciplinary rehabilitation skills suitable to the country context, and (4) enhance health information systems and rehabilitation research”, said the Health Permanent Secretary.

Having said that, she called for strengthened support towards the Solomon Islands National Health Strategic Plan 2022 -2031. “It is crucial for WHO to support the review and further development of the Role Delineation Policy of Solomon Islands to reflect the services and standards specified for each level of health facility in the Rehabilitation Strategic Plan 2022-2031.

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