Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) for Ghaobata ward in North Guadalcanal has come to the rescue of the Ghaobata team currently participating in the Guadalcanal Cup.

Honorable Johnlee Saki provided uniforms and training equipment to the Ghaobata team officials and team members on Friday last week.
The assistance includes a set of 42 uniforms, beeps, soccer balls and other training equipment.
Saki encouraged the Ghaobata team to play their hearts out in representing the Ghaobata ward and be good ambassadors as well.
Saki said the assistance is part of his contribution to the team representing the Ghaobata ward.
Earlier last week the Ghaobata MPA also distributed building materials to Ghaobata school and St John Divine Church in Koli.
The assistance included 500 bricks to Ghaobata school and two loads of gravel, in the equivalent of 40 cubics, to St John Divine church.
Ghaobata MPA Saki said he hoped that people will appreciate the little assistances he could provide as their MPA.
“I’m not done yet, I will continue to deliver for Ghaobata ward until the end of this year and this is according to my delivery plan for the ward,” honorable Saki explained.
Saki also applauded the National Government for institutionalizing the ward grants, where the grants are paid directly to ward committees who are in charge of community developments.
“The setup is effective as grants are no longer accessed by MPAs, this leaves us to focus and concentrate on our roles as legislators in the Provincial level,” Saki stated.
Saki added that by institutionalizing the ward grants, the funds are spent in a more transparent manner and easier to account for.
The Ghaobata MPA, however, appealed to the National Government to increase the ward grants so that they can cater for a majority of community development needs.
Saki is a first time MPA, he is a member of the Province’s Public Accounts Committee and currently a non- executive member of the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly.
Ghaobata Ward Press Release