Home News Manele highlights NZ’s ongoing development to SI on Waitangi Day

Manele highlights NZ’s ongoing development to SI on Waitangi Day

Manele and New Zealand High Commissioner to Solomon Islands Jonathan Schwass
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On Waitangi Day celebrations tonight, Solomon Islands has taken the opportunity to commend New Zealand for its ongoing development support and for accepting 601 SIers to work there under the Recognised Seasonal Employers scheme.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeremiah Manele joined a long list of guests from the Solomon Islands and New Zealand to mark the Day tonight.

Manele said Solomon Islands Government and her people welcome the New Zealand’s ongoing development support to our country.

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He said the New Zealand Aid Programme for Solomon Islands is developmental focused with specific assistance targeted towards sectors such as fisheries, tourism, transport, infrastructure and improving tax administration, improving education outcomes for all children, youth engagement,.

Solomon Islands remains one of the leading bilateral – funding recipients of New Zealand’s’ Overseas Development Aid to the Pacific. The current Aid Program-Budget for Triennium 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024 for Solomon Islands is NZD$124.20 million. As Solomon Islands moves slowly along the path of post-COVID19 economic recovery this commitment by New Zealand to our development is heart-warming.

Similarly, Manele said Solomon Islands and New Zealand continue to build strong people to people relations.

He added that the Recognised Seasonal Employers scheme continues to have an immense positive impact on the lives of people in the Solomon Islands who are keen to work.

There are currently 601 SI workers in New Zealand and more ready to go this year.

“We hope to increase the number of workers to three digits this year. Benefits of the RSE speaks for itself,” he said.

Waitangi Day commemorates the anniversary of the initial signing, on 6th February 1840, of the Treaty of Waitangi.  The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 and was an agreement between the British Crown and a large number of Māori chiefs. Today the Treaty is widely accepted to be a constitutional document that establishes and guides the relationship between the Crown in New Zealand (embodied by our government) and Māori.

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