Home News Lilo anger after MPs’ divided to eat separately in Parliament

Lilo anger after MPs’ divided to eat separately in Parliament

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The division of food in Parliament into government and those in Opposition and Independent groupings to eat separately has angered the MP for Central Honiara Gordon Darcy Lilo who described the action as “segregation”.

One MP told SBMOnline that since Monday lunch and dinner so as Tuesday’s lunch, government members and those MPs who are not part of the ruling coalition were divided into two groups to eat their meals separately. Because of the need for Parliament to sit late to complete the 2025 budget, the government is providing meals for the MPs.

One MP said the separation was intentional and done purely because of the looming motion of no confidence on Friday.


“Why are we separating the way we eat?I used to be a member of this house and I have never seen this. Why are you separating – some of us eat there and some of you there. That’s unparliamentary,” said Lilo.

He added in parliament: “We should all be together.”

Lilo even told the Speaker to put up a notice—stating no segregation inside (in the parliament).

“That’s unparliamentary and not a parliamentary democracy—that culture does not belong to this parliament,” said Lilo, who will move the motion of no confidence against the Prime Minister this Friday.

SBMOnline was told that after Lilo’s concern—food was shared again in the common kitchen and both sides of the house shared dinner last night.

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