THE Honiara City Council (HCC) Environmental Health Division has urged schools (Secondary, Primary, or ECE) within Honiara city jurisdiction to adhere to food safety and hygiene requirements while selling ready-to-eat food in schools.
Health Division requests schools to bring their list of food vendors, including schoolteachers, to HCC health office for further arrangements to train them on Food Safety & Hygiene Requirements, especially for food vendors in schools, says HCC Provincial Health Director Doctor Lawrence Diau.
He explained that any person intending to sell or currently selling ready-to-eat food in schools regardless of the size of the business or how often they sell food must complete the FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE TRAINING COURSE AND SHALL AWARDED A CERTIFICATE OF FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE by HCC Environmental Health team.
“This is purposely to prepare and sell safer food for our school children, protect our children’s health, and follow Pure Food (Food Control) Regulations 2010,” Dr. Diau expressed.
These are the food safety and hygiene requirements for food vendors and those who have trained and acquired the food safety & hygiene certificates please adhere to these following requirements while selling ready-to-eat food in schools.
Kitchen Requirements:
The kitchen must be well-protected from pests such as rats, cockroaches & cats, or dogs.
Ensure there is adequate water supply and soap.
Use clean & safe water for food preparation, washing of utensils & hand washing.
Store all the kitchen utensils including a scraper, BBQ plate, cutting boards & food dishes in a well-protected area from pests & animals.
Use clean food-grade utensils & equipment.
Wear clean aprons & hairnets, and a scarf while preparing food.
Sanitize or wash hands with soap & clean water after activity that may contaminate food.
No smoking, spitting, chewing betelnut, coughing & sneezing while preparing food.
Wastewater & solid waste must be properly disposed of in soak holes and waste bins.
Always keep in and around the kitchen clean & tidy.
Selling Area Requirement:
Apply or renew a Ready-to-Eat Food Permit from the Environmental Health Division of HCC. (Excluding Commercially Prepared Food).
The selling areas are to set under a shelter and kept the area clean and tidy at all times.
Food stall tables/benches at least 1,5 meters above ground and be 6 meters from the main road and must be clean and tidy.
All those handling and preparing food for sale must obtain a medical clearance certificate from a doctor, especially for hepatitis A.
Ensure hand sanitizers and sufficient quantities of water & soap for cleaning & rinsing purposes including hand washing.
Cooked food must not remain outside in warm temperatures for more than 4 hours.
Cold food such as fruit salads, and freshly prepared fruits must be stored in a potable cooler together with an adequate supply of ice.
Personal Hygiene while selling food:
Don’t work with food when sick or if you have cuts or sores on your hands.
Avoid using bare hands to serve food. Use food handling utensils such as tongs, spoons & spatula.
Do not reuse disposable cups, spoons & plates, or bottles. The disposable items are designed for single use and are discarded after their intended purpose.
No eating, smoking, or chewing of betelnuts within the selling area.
Sanitize hands after handling money.
Wearing clean clothing, aprons, and hairnets/scarf is encouraged.
Do not wipe hands or utensils on clothing or aprons.
Sanitize or wash hands with clean water & soap after touching parts of the body, using washrooms, or after any activity that may contaminate food.