Home Business Feasibility Study on MNPDC Integrated Development Management and Aid Tracking System completes

Feasibility Study on MNPDC Integrated Development Management and Aid Tracking System completes

MNPDC staff with Synergy International Systems Program Director Mr Hayk Manukyan pose for photo after the debrief session on the feasibility study. Photo. MNPDC Press
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A FEASIBILITY study on the establishment of a Development Management and Aid Tracking System (Database) for the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination (MNPDC) has been completed.

Synergy International Systems Limited, a specialized software company with wide experience in developing platforms for Aid Management and Tracking, Monitoring and Evaluation and Public Management Investment was contracted to carry out this exercise, purposely on expanding the current Solomon Islands Government (SIG) Development Assistance Database (DAD).

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DAD is the Government’s operational online system for tracking external development assistance to the country – also delivered by Synergy International Systems Limited in 2010.

The feasibility study on the proposed Integrated Development Management and Aid Tracking System was done following consultations with MNPDC’s technical divisions, line ministries, key donor partners, Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries (SICCI) representing Private Sector and Development Services Exchange (DSE) representing Civil Society Organisations.

Synergy International Systems Limited will provide a Needs Assessment Report in two weeks, which will provide a comprehensive overview of the project management plan, methodology and approach for the project, milestones and deliverables, a timeline for project execution including dates, resources and dependencies, and stakeholder institution teams and focal points. 

On Thursday last week, Program Director for Synergy International Systems Limited, Mr. Hayk Manukyan held a debrief session with the management and staff of MNPDC to share findings of the Feasibility Study.

Mr Manukyan said the needs were broader than just having the Development Management and Aid Tracking System.

“During the consultations, it was clear that the needs are broader than having just aid management system,” Mr Manukyan said.

He said, the feasibility study was focused on the broader side, which include the National Development Strategy 2016 – 2035, Sector wide strategies and mid-term strategies. The study also includes public investment management, aid management, public private partnership, and also NGOs involvement.

“The idea is to have a comprehensive system which will allow to digitalize and have one stop shop for data and information about NDS and the work that is being done to achieve the strategy, and also to monitor and evaluate how the process is being done to all the projects and activities that are being implemented in the country to achieve strategy targets,” Mr Manukyan said.

He said once developed, the system will have a set of tools and analytical components that should allow all stakeholders to design and generate reports that they need to share with each other as well as to inform policy and decision making.

The feasibility study on the Development Assistance Database is part of the MNPDC’s broader reform initiatives to strengthen the planning, budgeting, aid management and monitoring and evaluation processes and systems. An integrated development database that can serve as a data storage and repository and also has analytical capabilities will greatly enhance the provision of information, data and evidence to support planning, budgeting, aid management and monitoring, evaluation and learning.

– MNPDC Press

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