Home News Eight traffic accidents over festive season, four killed

Eight traffic accidents over festive season, four killed

One of those traffic accidents.
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The National Traffic Department (NTD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) has recorded a total of eight traffic accidents in Honiara during the Christmas and New Year’s operation.

Supervising Director, NTD Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Measly Kelo said among the eight traffic cases there were four fatal accidents.

Kelo said those fatal accidents had happened in different locations in Honiara. First fatal accident at Agape, White River area, second at Mbokonavera II, third at Supreme Casino and fourth accident happened at Tandai highway opposite Bishop’s Dale.”

He said the fatal accident at Agape area on the 24 December 2023 where involved a seven year old girl, the family did not want to open a case but NTD opened an inquiry file just in case they want to proceed with the case later.

Mr. Kelo said the fatal accident at Supreme Casino on 1 January 2024 no longer a traffic case but now became a criminal case which is currently being investigated by criminal investigators at Central Police Station.

He said four other traffic cases were single accidents in which two suspects were served with notice of intended prosecution while the other were formally arrested and the other is still at large.



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