The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Pauline McNeil has revealed this afternoon that of the NINE COVID-19 deaths so far, they have received detailed reports of six and it shows that five out of the six deaths were unvaccinated people and one vaccinated.
She was supporting government’s decision to allow only fully vaccinated people to move freely during non-curfew hours in the capital after a question was raised on the matter today during the COVID-19 Update talk-back show.
McNeil said to further justify why they pushed for vaccination of the COVID-19, of the nine deaths so far they had received detailed reports of six and it shows five were unvaccinated persons and one vaccinated.
“That’s what the impact of vaccination can do,” she said.
Why only vaccinated people are allowed freedom during non lockdown hours?
The Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. Jimmy Rodgers, who is also a medical doctor said vaccinated people are less likely to spread the virus to others whilst the unvaccinated will spread it very quickly.
He said that’s the reason why the order says that fully vaccinated people could move around even though they’re infected because to spread the virus is very low.
In support to that, Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers from the Ministry of Health stated that it is true that fully vaccinated people could still get COVID-19 but the chances for them catching it is lower as they will have some protection.
“And even if they catch COVID-19 their chances of getting really sick and die from it is lower. And to pass it on to another person is also lower compared to those who are not vaccinated whose chances of catching it, passing it, getting very sick from it and die is high,” she said.