Home News 15kg bomb discovered at Taro Airport

15kg bomb discovered at Taro Airport

Photo: Ezzii To'o
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A 15 kiograms bomb was unearthed at the Taro Airport area in Choiseul Province by the Explosive Disposal (EOD) last week.

The 15-kg bomb was amongst a total of 28 UXOs so far being discovered at the Taro airstrip runway.

UXOs found ranging from projectiles, mortar bombs and bombs.

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Meanwhile, the officer who dug the bomb posted 15kg UXO on SBMOnline platform today.

In a statement today, an EOD specialist Sergeant (Sgt) Selestin Pelleni says Taro Township area is heavily contaminated with Unexploded Ordnances (UXOs).

Pelleni said Taro is under category A which means “danger zone or heavily contaminated area full of munitions”.

Taro is not only an airport island but it is the provincial capital of the Choiseul Province. It also houses police, health and key communication infrastructure for the province.


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