Home News TSI: Foukona Right Man for the Job

TSI: Foukona Right Man for the Job

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TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) fully support the appointment of Justice Rex Foukona as the Deputy Chief Justice and commend him for taking up the job.

The Judiciary is usually referred to as the Third Arm of Government. The Constitution established the Judiciary and guaranteed its independence and the primary role of the Judiciary is to uphold the Rule of Law and deliver justice through resolving disputes or criminal trials. It is a public concern when the Judiciary, being an important arm of the government come under attack over the years by citizens who may have felt cheated and/or deceived by the justice system consequently questioning the Justice system’s integrity both in print media and social media.  To some extent, this has distorted the image of the courts and eroded public trust on the functions and duties executed by the judiciary.

Having noted this tough challenge, TSI applauds Justice Rex Foukona for his recent appointment to the role of the Deputy Chief Justice. Justice Foukona demonstrated why this new appointment is deserving as can be seen throughout his vast career in the Judiciary from the various roles he held throughout the years within the Judiciary. It shows that he is more than capable to take up the position of the Deputy Chief Justice. A man of principles and high integrity, Justice Foukona is the right man for the job. Solomon Islands is at a juncture where cases filed in Court takes years before it is heard, the country is facing a lot of challenges, disputes needing Courts intervention and so on. TSI sees Justice Foukona’s appointment as a move in the right direction for the Judiciary.

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It is evident from Justice Faukona’s firm decisions and judgments what his wealth of experience and knowledge about the laws and court systems of Solomon Islands is, but most significantly his integrity. An example can be seen in Justice Faukona’s expedient judgment made earlier this year on the election petition case.

People like Justice Faukona plays an important role within the Judiciary and this country needs them, in order for the nation to progress. Given Solomon Islands performance in the past years Corruption Perception Index (CPI) showing high prevalence of corruption in the country. The CPI shows perceived levels of public sector corruption and Solomon Islands needs to do a lot to fight corruption. We believe that fighting corruption needs the involvement of all stakeholders starting from our government down to the citizens, as such TSI applaud Justice Foukona’s appointment. Solomon Islands being a third world country, highly prone to corruption need a strong and active Judiciary Arm to support the Executive and the Legislature.

Transparency Solomon Islands congratulates Justice Foukona on his new post and wish him well in his career to continue serve the country and maintain the independence and integrity of the Judiciary. His work background is impressive as he started his career with the Judiciary as a court clerk and made his way up and undertaking law studies abroad to where he is today, he truly deserves his place as the nation’s Deputy Chief Justice. Thank you Justice Foukona for the years you have serve the nation that shows your heart to make Solomon Islands a better place for the citizens and the future generations. TSI appreciate your contribution to the fight against corruption through the work of the Judiciary and showing that irrespective of who the person is, no one is above the law. As shown in the election petitions, bribery during election campaign must not be tolerated and citizens are taught this lesson by your decision that resulted in Mr. Fugui losing his parliamentary seat. It is a good reminder to the citizens of this country that bribery must not tolerated – be it election period or everyday encounter – and that the fight against corruption must continue to be kept active and alive for a better Solomon Islands.


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