By Smiley Puia
A successful Health Expo Program has ended in West Rennell, Rennell & Bellona Province last week.
The Health Expo was organised by Kagua Adventist youth Ministry after a successful health check-up in their own village last year 2022.
Facilitating the health check was done with the help of experts from Atoifi Adventist Hospital led by Mike Puia, Debbie Puia and Dr Zorik assisted by two PAU graduated registered Nurses.
The Health Expo was a community program designed to help our communities know their health status and educated people to keep healthy and maintain healthy habits. The Atoifi Medics Team had been around many parts of Malaita province and to other provinces as far as Temotu. This year, they extended the service to West Rennell with the help our Kagua Youth Ministry as the driving team.
Their check-up covered Tigoa, Hatagua, Ngongona and Magae Communities and was open to everyone. The health check-up runs each day from morning to late noon and followed by open health educational talk and awareness facilitated by Atoifi Medics Team.
Speaking during his welcome remarks, Pr Walter of Ngongona of SSEC was in tears to warmly welcome the team because it was a great opportunity to have this kind of program down to their door steps.
The program went for a week from 19th June to 23rd June 2023. They ended the program with a reflection on the whole program and seeing the health data analyses for each community.
Speaking during the closing, Pr Joseph on behalf of the SSEC communities expressed their gratitude to have the program possible for them at their door set.
“We are really impressed with the program and wish if can run for few more days but times can not permit it.”
He also thanked Kagua Youth Ministry for organising this down to their level. He closed by saying “The challenge now to our communities is how we start applying what we have learned throughout the week.”
Speaking on behalf of the Medical Team, Mike Puia highlighted that “Our Health is everybody’s business. We can’t enjoy life in our communities if the people inside are not healthy. Living a healthy life is paramount important before we can enjoy other things in life”.
Kagua Youth Ministry under the leadership of Derek Sa’o and Smith Paikea aims to reach the whole Rennell island with this Health expo. Next year is proposed to move on to the central part of the island and Lake Tegano communities and also appeal to responsible church health authorities to support this important program in this remote province.
Speaking on behalf of the organising team, Derek saluted every individual who supported one way or the other to make this program eventuate despite the challenges they have faced.
The Atoifi Medica Team arrived back in the capital on the 27th June and awaits their next route to their working place.