Home Breaking News Police say they’re still looking into Su’u video

Police say they’re still looking into Su’u video

Su'u, right, and PM Sogavare during reconciliation this week.
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Police is still looking into the video issued by former Malaita militant Moses Su’u who alleged amongst other things that Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare had ordered former combatants to murder an MP during the ethnic tension years (1998-2003).

The Su’u video was brought to the fore once again after police threatened to arrest a Guadalcanal man on allegation that his social media video was inappropriate and racist. Israel Trevor Sibia’s video which raised issues of concern to the Central Guadalcanal people especially the lack of development by the government has not gone well with the MP for Central Guadalcanal, Peter Shanel Agovaka, who complained to the police against him.

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But as police pursued Sibia, the question of Su’u was again brought to the public.

When pressed by journalists if police have looked into the Su’u video, Deputy Commissioner of Police for National Security & Operation Support Ian Vaevaso said today: “We are still working on it.”

When further pushed to explain what is the difference between the two cases? He replied stating that in the current case (Sibia), the MP was so concerned about his people and area so he wanted police to look into it.

Meanwhile only this week Su’u reconciled with the PM and his deputy and pledged their allegiance to Sogavare’s government following threats of a possible protest in Honiara by Malaitans last week.

When questioned if the reconciliation would have an impact on the case, Vaevaso said: “The case is still there despite of the recent reconciliation.” However, he admitted that – that it would also depend very much on the complainant if he still wants to take the case further – adding that the process of the law also allows for reconciliation.

However, Vaevaso reiterated that the case is still there.

“If the comments are not helpful to our country then it is something that we must seriously deal with it,” he said.

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