Home News Hon Dettke delivers free water on Malaita day

Hon Dettke delivers free water on Malaita day

Detke watches as his team delivers free water at the Malaita Day celebrations at Panatina
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MEMBER of Parliament for North West Guadalcanal Hon Bodo Dettke has led the Solomon Warriors FC in giving out free water bottles to people at the Malaita day celebrations at FOPA.

Hon Dettke donated around 6000 water bottles on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Hundreds of people who received free water bottles have praised Hon Dettke for his kind gesture.

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Jeffrey Wate and his son were amongst hundreds that received free water bottles.

Mr Wate said Hon Bodo’s kind heart would seem so small to many but it means a lot to him and his son.

“We walked all the way from Kukum because we wanted to be part of this celebrations. And to see someone like Hon Dettke an MP from Guadalcanal giving free water to our people is a blessing indeed. I hope other MPs can have a big heart like this man,” he said.

Jennifer Samani said this is what Malaita MPs should be doing.

“I hope our MPs from Malaita have a heart like Hon Dettke. Come out from their comfort zones and to be with us people. It is a shame that an MP from Guadalcanal is doing this instead especially at our Malaita day celebrations,” she said.

Water bottles and free lollies were also given to children at the venue.


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