[Honiara, November 9, 2023] – On 8 November 2023, five non-governmental organisations (NGOs), supported by the Solomon Islands Education Sector Support Program (ESSP), convened for a Reflection Workshop. Attendees had the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss lessons learned throughout their ESSP-funded projects, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange throughout the Solomon Islands.
The ESSP Program, a partnership between the Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resources Department (MEHRD), Australia, and New Zealand, remains steadfast in its mission to support MEHRD’s leadership in improving standards for teachers and school management and working towards providing all Solomon Islands children access to quality basic education.

Through ESSP, Australia and New Zealand awarded grants to five NGO projects: COESI – Skul Blo Umi Lo Ples, ACU – Iumi Tugeda Helpem Solomon Aelans Def Comiuniti, Save the Children – Helpim Smowan Skul Gud, World Vision – PRICE and Stronger Education Together. These projects have displayed unwavering dedication in addressing challenges within the Solomon Islands, including developing vernacular curriculum frameworks and resources, fostering sign language utilisation, promoting home learning through training and resources, and raising awareness about child protection and disability. Through their collective endeavors, they have positively impacted many Solomon Islands communities, collaborated with stakeholders, and sparked transformative change within their respective areas.
The NGO Reflection Workshop, attended by 17 representatives from the NGOs, Australia, New Zealand, ESSP, and MEHRD, facilitated the exchange of invaluable experiences, challenges, and best practices. It served as a venue for these passionate individuals to engage in in-depth conversations, guided by the knowledge acquired during the execution and completion of their individual projects. This exercise in shared learning featured open and candid dialogue, as each NGO project shared its unique journey, the obstacles they faced, and lessons learned.
Reflecting on the completed projects, the NGOs, MEHRD, Australia, New Zealand, and ESSP, collectively nurtured a culture of openness and trust, fortifying the groundwork for proactive readiness in addressing future project challenges, cultivating relationships, and adjusting their methodologies and approaches. ESSP is dedicated to working with NGOs to reach communities, advancing the Solomon Islands education sector, building capacity, and empowering our future leaders!
The Solomon Islands Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) provides the strategic direction and implementation arrangements for the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) combined investment to support the Solomon Islands Government to implement its Education Strategic Framework (ESF) 2016-2030 and the National Education Action Plan.
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