Care- taker Prime Minister honorable Manasseh Sogavare will be bestowed with a chiefly title by the people of Choiseul Province next week.
In preparation for the important cultural occasion, the care- taker Prime Minister will leave for Choiseul Province this coming weekend.
The cultural event of installing a chief is significant to people of Choiseul Province, and such title is not bestowed to anyone for the sake of it.
The only other person given the title of chief was Reverend Leslie Boseto who was bestowed with the chieftaincy title in recognition of his immense contribution to the United Church or religion for that matter.
Care- taker Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will be installed as a chief in recognition of his 27 years in politics, and moreso, in acknowledgment of his successful five years term in power as Prime Minister of Solomon Islands.
According to Choiseul Province’s culture, such recognition is rare and not common, a person who is considered for the chiefly title must have a record of distinguished service to the people. Care- taker PM Sogavare fits the bill so to speak.
Care- taker Prime Minister is a seasoned public servant, having joined the public service cadre in the early 1960s and he worked his way up to be the Inland Revenue commissioner, the last post he held before taking up the post of Permanent Secretary.
In 1997 he entered parliament as the Member of East Choiseul constituency, the seat he held to this day. This year marks his 27 years in politics.
The care- taker Prime Minister also served more than nine years as Prime Minister from 2000- 2001, 2006- 2007, 2014- 2017 and 2019 to current.
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