Home Education BACK TO SHOOL: Parents, students prepare for another academic year

BACK TO SHOOL: Parents, students prepare for another academic year

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By Timothy Inifiri Jnr

Shops in and around Honiara are once again buzzing with activity as the back-to-school rush begins with both parents and students both in primary and high schools, eager to get themselves everything needed for the new academic year which begins on January 20th.

For 25-year-old Mary Job she can’t be proud enough to have her son going to pre-school for the first time, and looking to buy all the best school stationaries that are required.

“For any parent having your child going to school for the first time comes with mixed feelings. I’m so happy and at the same time nervous for him. This is the first time we’ll be doing shopping for school supplies and I am looking for the best available things”, she said.

It is altogether a different story for Joyce who this year will be sending all four of her children to school.

“This year will see all four of my children going to school with my youngest now will be going to kindergarten and I’m so happy. I usually sell fish and chips at the market but today I’ve decided to have a rest and put my kids first because they’ll be going to school next week. With the earnings I get from selling food I can meet the needs of my children”, she said.

Some customers have also shared their thoughts on the price of school stationaries slowly climbing compared to previous years.

Clyde Luda from North East Malaita had to travel to Honiara to do his form six says that he is looking for school supplies that will last him till the mid-year break.

“I have just arrived in Honiara yesterday and today I am out here looking for school supplies so I attend class early seeing this year is a really important one for me”.

“Even with the prices a little bit higher, I am looking for school supplies and uniforms that will last me till the mid-year break or till the end of this year I hope”, he said.

As for shop owners, with large number of customers flooding into their shops, an increase in demand for school stationaries and a heavy workload is expected in the coming days.

For shops like Ausmart, who have now for many years have been major suppliers of school uniforms and stationaries, the past two weeks saw an increase number of customers looking for school supplies.

“These past few weeks, the number of customers here at Ausmart have really increased with nearly all of them demanding for uniforms and school supplies with most schools starting their classes next week”, said Clarence Joy And’Aya, Ausmarts Stock Inventory Control Specialist.

With the number of students expected to rise this year and the Back-to-school shopping rush, And’Aya is confident that Ausmart can   meet the demands of all its customers.

“We are always prepared for the opening weeks of the school’s academic year and I believe we can provide the uniforms and supplies our students needed” she said.

And’Aya also added that the shop and its workers are expecting very busy weeks ahead.

Meanwhile, with school starting on Monday, all shops, public services and even the parents are once again preparing for another busy year.

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