Home Breaking News 6 more workers from East Are’are in Canada on labour mobility, issued...

6 more workers from East Are’are in Canada on labour mobility, issued with work permits

MP for East Are'are Peter Kenilore Jr with the workers before they head for Canada.
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Canada: On the Eve of Solomon Islands 45th Independence Day Six more Solomon Islands nationals have arrived in Canada under Solomon Islands growing partnership with Canada on labour mobility.

Six newly arrived workers from East Are Are Constituency display their work permits with Solomon Islands Hon Consul General Ashwant Dwivedi 1
Six newly arrived workers from East Are Are Constituency display their work permits with Solomon Islands Hon Consul General Ashwant Dwivedi.

The six  who are from the East Are Are constituency left for Canada on the eve of Independence Day celebrating their achievement of obtaining financial independence through seasonal employment in Canada.

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They had arrived at Canada’s Toronto  International Airport and were given their work permit by the Canadian Immigration officials.

The Canadian Government settlement Agency supported the arrival of the group with assistance to the workers .

Just last week [4] EAC constituents were given extension to their work permit by Canada’s Immigration division. The extension of the permit received last week  allows the four EAC constituents to continue to work in Canada for additional 24 months. 

This opportunity to EAC has been made possible with the “Skills Ready” education and training initiative jointly offered under partnership between Canadian International Training and Education Corp [CITREC] and the East Are Are Constituency supported under Government of Canada’s Labour Mobility program offered under the Agriculture Stream.

EAC member of parliament Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jnr. said that his constituents are celebrating its partnership with Canadians as labour mobility partnership with Canada is trailblazing and is helping shape slowly but surely the financial shape of its constituents.

“ Those families who have their relatives working in Canada are sharing with me the positive experience of remittances that is experienced by the family here in Solomon Islands and how it is supporting their livelihood.,” M.P Kenilorea said,

“ This is great gift to the people of Solomon Islands as part of Independence Day celebrations specially to families of those from EAC who have recently seen 4 of our constituents receiving extension to their work permits by the Canadian government and further the departure of six of EAC people to Canada to undertake seasonal employment,” M.P Kenilorea said.

MP. Kenilorea Jnr said that the people to people benefit between Canada and Solomon Islands is trailblazing.

“ There is financial benefit to this partnership as well that continues to be positively experienced by the families who continue to receive remittances from those who are employed in Canada. This is helping shape the lives of many positively in my constituency,” MP Kenilorea Jnr said.

During the farewell event where the 6 travellers received their travel documents MP Kenilorea reminded the team of their commitment towards their employer and to the Solomon Islands.

“ When you undertake employment opportunities in a foreign country you become our brand ambassador. Your positive attitude, dedication and committeemen’s at workplace will have a long lasting impact on four future relations with employers,” M.P. Kenilorea said,

I am extremely grateful to the government of Canada for the support it continues to provide to empower the people of Solomon Islands, in particular its support to facilitate opportunity for my constituents. I am confident that equipped with necessary training and education through the CITREC program offered to my people of EAC that many of my constituents will be accorded the opportunity to work in Canada and be job ready.

“We are looking forward to seeing many more finding employment opportunities under various sectors as Canada’s labour mobility program stands to provide opportunity beyond seasonal employment with a chance to permanent residency.

“I must also take the renewed opportunity to thank the government of Canada which has facilitated the process of ensuring that the terms and conditions offered to the 6 individuals meets or exceeds Canadian employment standards.

Hon. Kenilorea said that Solomon Islands currently has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the Pacific region and every opportunity for employment offered by Canadian employers is helping ease the pain of unemployment.

“So the opportunity for the good people of EAC to receive gainful employment opportunities in Canada will help bring a sense of purpose to people and help with remittances being sent back to the constituency and Solomon Islands as a whole.

He further said that the “Exposure to other peoples and cultures can only benefit the people of EAC going forward. Rubbing shoulders with Canadians and other peoples will also allow other people to be exposed to Solomon Islands and the Are Are culture as well,” the MP said.

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