Home Politics Wale says DCGA’s ongoing political row with Suidani an abuse of power

Wale says DCGA’s ongoing political row with Suidani an abuse of power

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CORRESPONDENCE between the DCGA government and former Malaita premier Hon Daniel Suidani through the Ministry of Provincial Government has shown that the Government’s feud against Hon. Suidani is far from over.

In a statement today, Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale said the third motion of no confidence against Hon. Suidani finally brought about the result his pursuers wanted.

Hon Wale said the correspondence has clearly indicated the Government’s intention on removing Hon. Suidani from being a representative of his people.

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The Opposition Leader said the Government’s use of section 15(1) of the PGA to justify their decision and that Suidani’s anti-China statements reveals an allegiance and adherence to Taiwan and therefore disqualifies him from being an MPA.

The Leader of Opposition said this relentless political onslaught of Hon. Suidani is an abuse of power that should concern all Solomon Islanders.

“Government is trying to remove Hon. Suidani under section 15(1) of the PGA by saying his allegiance and adherence lies with a foreign power. Yet their feeble attempt at gathering evidence and articulation clearly points to one thing – that they are the ones whose allegiance and adherence lies with a foreign power – that is China,” Hon Wale said.

The Opposition Leader adds all the evidence they claimed to have gathered, simply put, all revolve around Suidani’s anti-china position.

He said it is clear that their issue is not with section 15(1) at all.

Rather, Hon Wale said the Government has an issue with Hon. Suidani because the former premier’s stand against the foreign power DCGA preferred.

“The lengths in which DCGA is taking merely because Hon. Suidani was and is a strong critique against how Government handled the switch to China should concern all Solomon Islanders. It not only reveals a Government that cannot handle dissent, which we’ve known for quite a while now, but who will also use the law against those who disagree with them,” he said.

The Opposition Leader has called on the Government to try and initiate a dialogue with the former premier rather than trying to add more fuel to the fire.

“The Government are the ones breaching the spirit of s 15(1) of the PGA. As for all Solomon Islanders, it would be wise to reflect on whether we would want the law to be used against us for merely having different but legitimate views on Government decisions. Is this the style of leadership we want?” Hon Wale questioned.


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