Home Business Vehicle owners to pay $50 ‘pollution fee’, announces Sogavare

Vehicle owners to pay $50 ‘pollution fee’, announces Sogavare

Vehicle owners will now pay tax of $50 a year of pollution fee announces Sogavare
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Vehicle owners will be taxed $50 each year to pay for the newly introduced ‘pollution fee’ to be enforced by the government, new minister of Finance Manasseh Sogavare announced in Parliament today.

This change is amongst raft of new taxes introduced by the government to improve its revenue.

Speaking in Parliament, Sogavare stated some of the new measures the government is taking to increase revenue and tighten against leakages in the tax system.

He said: “To improve revenues, we will be introducing what is called the pollution fee of $50.”

He said it is an annual fee to all pollution emitters.

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“If you do something that attracts this tax, you will pay.  It will start with vehicles and then ocean going vessels and other engines,” the minister, said.

He expected the new tax to generate around $2m which will go towards the ministry of environment to help them deal with

with environment hazards.


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