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“I am 72 years old now and  I find myself comfortably relaxing and drying cocoa beans in my permanent, clear corrugated solar cocoa dryer funded by ADRA Solomon Islands ,”

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These are the words of Barnabas Tiva, a father from Geza Village in Northeast Guadalcanal, who graciously shared his success story with the ADRA SI Communications Team.

Mr Tiva is among the beneficiaries of the Solar Cocoa Dryer funded by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the Solomon Islands.

Mr. Tiva, the oldest recipient of projects from ADRA’s Cocoa Livelihood Project in Geza Village, remains actively engaged with his project.

ADRA Soul Cocoa Team visited him on Tuesday 9 April, saw him still active and continue drying cocoa beans in his new permanent, clear corrugated solar cocoa dryer funded by ADRA SI.

“I am grateful to ADRA Solomon Islands for this marvelous initiative that has significantly transformed the lives of my family and community,” He expressed.

“I have supplied some seeds to ADRA, and those that do not meet their expectations, I sell locally.” The support from ADRA Solomon Islands enabled me to construct his solar-powered, clear corrugated dryer, enhancing my cocoa drying process significantly’’

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“Previously, I was exposed to rain while drying my cocoa beans, but now I can safely dry them inside this sun dryer building , which has been a tremendous help, especially at my age,” Mr. Tiva was confidently shared his story  during an interview.

The ADRA Cocoa Livelihood Project was funded by ADRA Australia was continued to play a crucial role in fostering positive impacts in the Northeast Guadalcanal community.

The project has initially scheduled from September 1st, 2018, to June 30th, 2021. Its profound effects prompted extensions first to June 30th, 2022, then to June 30th, 2023, and finally, due to its remarkable success, extended until June 2024.

However Mr. Tiva extends his gratitude to ADRA Australia for funding the project through ADRA Solomon Islands.

“I express my heartfelt thanks to the donors for their support, which has made a significant impact on my life and community here in Geza,” he acknowledges.

Through this project, Mr. Tiva has not only been able to meet the needs of his family but has also extended support to other families by purchasing wet beans from them.

 “Thank you, ADRA Australia and ADRA Solomon Islands, for the project that has positively impacted the lives of my people in Geza,” Mr. Tiva concludes as he smile and enjoying his new permanent corrugated solar dryer.

Patrick Mesia, Project Manager for the ADRA Soul Cocoa Livelihood Project, highlighted that Mr. Tiva’s success is a result of hard work.

‘’’Mr. Tiva’s success is a testament to his dedication and commitment to this project. I am deeply grateful to him and would like to extend my sincere appreciation for his remarkable achievements with this project’’

‘’While there have been other successes through this project, Mr. Tiva’s accomplishment is particularly significant for his community, especially considering his age of 72 years. His determination in his cocoa project is truly inspiring,’ Mesia concluded.

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