Premier Daniel Suidani said that it is with the greatest sorrow and anguish that he learned of the barbaric, gruesome and horrific killing of the innocent life of the 7-years-old student girl of Sausepe Primary School, North Kolombangara in the Western Province.
“On behalf of the government and people of Malaita Province, I strongly condemn the BRUTAL ACT, and that those arrested to face the full force of the law. I would like to CALL FOR SOLOMON ISLAND MEN TO STAND UP NO LONGER BE SILENT ABOUT THIS ONGOING VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN, ESPECIAL GIRLS.
It brings me great pain, sorrow and shame to know that this hideous atrocity is committed by men on an innocent precious young life. This is unthinkable and barbaric.
” I therefore urgently asked the authorities to bring those involved to justice,” the premier said in a statement today.