The outspoken Premier of Malaita Danie Suidani has blasted Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, stating that national government under Sogavare is not protecting its people but instead exposes them by bringing in a plane load of people from China, last night.
In a statement today, Suidani said it is clear to Malaita that the Sogavare government is aggressively exposing its people to the risk of COVID, despite repeated calls from all of society, including churches.
“And it is doing so to benefit a foreign power, not the Solomon Islands. The incoming flight from China serves the interest of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet and the interest of China in setting up its embassy in Honiara.
“It is not in the interest of the people and country of Solomon Islands.
“All of the Solomon Islands will be exposed to the COVID virus risk to serve Sogavare and China’s interests,” Suidani states.
He reveals that Malaita is not breaking away from the Solomon Islands.
“Malaita is merely protecting itself from the dangers that will come from that action,” he said.
The Premier said his call for a referendum is a protective call, given clear and consistent actions of hostility by the Sogavare government towards Malaitan’s wellbeing and health of all Solomon Islanders during this global COVID pandemic.
“Our conviction is that the Sogavare administration has become so obliged and indebted to China that it can no longer provide essential services to protect its citizens’ public health.
“It is a wake-up call to all the Members of Parliament who support this Prime Minister and his government. This government does not serve our people; it does not help your children. It promotes the interest of others, not us.
The primary job of a government is to protect its people.
It is clear to Malaita that the national government under Sogavare is not protecting its people.
A total of 104 passengers arrived last night in a direct flight from Honiara to China and return. There was massive opposition to the government undertaking the flight.
Suidani and his government had been opposed to China since the government switched diplomatic ties last year.
In hi statement, Suidani said: “Today is when it is clear that the Prime Minister and Cabinet no longer serve the people of Solomon Islands, but instead themselves and a foreign power.
Last night there arrived a plane full of unknown people from China, the source of the Corona Virus Pandemic.
“This plane arrived despite all of the calls of Churches, civil society, and ordinary people. I called on the government to show concern for our people’s health and lives and stop the flight. But it fell on deaf ears.
“Today, it is clear that our Prime Minister and his government no longer protects us. They no longer make decisions in the interest of our people and the country of Solomon Islands. They find it more important to invite their Chinese backers into the country than to protect our people from COVID-19,” he said.