Solomon Water has expressed deep concern over the recent news article in the Island Sun newspaper reporting the Solomon Islands Post Conflict Rehabilitation and Restoration Association’s (SIPCRRA) intention to close Kongulai, the main water source for Honiara City.
The Kongulai water source supplies water to 40 percent of Honiara, which includes the whole of west Honiara, and parts of central and east Honiara. More importantly, due to its elevated location, Kongulai plays a critical role in pressurizing 60 percent of the supply network.
Solomon Water Chairman Donald Marahare is concerned Solomon Water is being used for leverage on a matter unrelated to the operation of the water utility and the water supply service it provides to its customers in Honiara. “The potential forced closure of the Kongulai water source would result in severe consequences for Solomon Water, including financial loss and reputational damage. It would also cause serious inconvenience and health risks to Honiara residents due to potential loss of water supply” he says.
“I urge SIPCRRA to engage with the Government and not use the people of Honiara for leverage. I also ask the Government for support and resolution of longstanding landowner issues in the Kongulai and Kovi areas”.
Loss of water supply to the city can result in damage to the pipes and customer fittings, significant economic impacts due to business houses and government offices being forced to close and health and social effects on schools and other institutions, including the hospital.
Solomon Water remains committed to its vision to provide “Safe water for a healthy nation” and continues to work towards improving our services to our customers as well as working with Government and Landowners to resolve long standing issues with many of our water sources.