Home Breaking News Red Cross bus stoned, window glass broken, whilst dropping volunteers

Red Cross bus stoned, window glass broken, whilst dropping volunteers

The bus with the damaged window after it was stoned at 10pm last night.
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A 30-seater bus belonging to the Red Cross has been stoned at the Varamata SDA Church Road last night damaging one of its windows.

In a spate of attack on emergency and essential services workers, residents believed to be from the Koa Hill side of the river shot at the bus whilst it was dropping off volunteers who are working in the current 36-hour lockdow. A hospital vehicle was also stoned in the same place last night whilst another was shot in the Henderson area.

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A spokesman for Solomon Islands Red Cross said about 10p.m on Sunday 29, SIRCS, bus was dropping off volunteers who were involved in the lockdown exercise were stoned, opposite the Varamata SDA church, the stone came from the Koa Hill side.

“The stone broke one of the windows of the 30 seater bus. Luckily no one was injured. It is sad that this happened to the SIRCS Special Development Center bus, our children with special needs depend very much on this bus to pick them every morning and drop them off in the afternoon.

“I know these kids will be very sad to see their bus being damaged by these unknown criminals. I just hope this heartless people are found and punished for what they have done. A national referral hospital bus was also damaged same time, same place,” the spokesman told SBMOnline early this morning.

An National Referral Hospital vehicle was believed to be shot at the same place, resulting in the damage to to one of its windows.


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