Home News Police Control Entrance to Counting Center in Gizo

Police Control Entrance to Counting Center in Gizo

The entry has already been restricted
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By Alfred Pagepitu Stringer/Reporter Western Province

In an effort to ensure security and orderliness, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Correctional officers and Assistance Deffence Force have taken charge of controlling the entrance points to the Counting Center located at Gizo Community High School in Western Province.

The purpose of this measure is to regulate access for the public and residents within the surrounding compound. Upon observation, the officers have implemented tight security measures at the three road access entrances. The first entrance is situated on the west side of the counting center, originating from JF Kennedy Stadium.

The second entrance is located at the Women Resource Center, while the main entrance is at the Gizo Catholic Church. The committed officers are diligently carrying out their responsibilities to ensure a peaceful counting process throughout the province.

During a visit to Gizo town, voters from Kolombangara, Ranonga, Simbo, Vonavona, Vella la Vella, and even as far as Roviana, Marovo Lagoon, and Shortland Islands were observed. People displayed a keen interest in hearing the results of their chosen candidates.

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Following the completion of voting in their respective constituencies, some voters will be returning to Honiara. It is worth noting that there are nine constituencies within Western Province, and the announcement of election results is expected to commence tomorrow and continue thereafter.

Only authorized personnel, including polling agents, counting officials, observers, and members of the media, are permitted to enter the counting venue in accordance with electoral regulations and boundaries.

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