PM Sogavare and Minister of MPGIS Honorable Rollen Seleso witnessed the planting of trees by little children as part of the Second Appointed Day celebration.
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The Prime Minister Honorable Manasseh Sogavare MP used the occasion of the Western Province Second Appointed Day to encourage stakeholders in development to continue to work together in unity.

PM Sogavare’s speech covered the areas of economy, unity, partnership, Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF), Support to implement work programs, and 2024 and onwards.

The Prime Minister acknowledged the enormous economic contribution of Western Province to the national economy and as such the people of Solomon Islands are grateful to the Province.

PM Sogavare also spoke highly of the economic potential of the Province and that the establishment of the Munda International airport and terminal will help to realize that huge potential.

The Prime Minister revealed that the government is working on upgrading the Honiara International airport to cater for direct flights to Asia and Munda will stand to benefit from that development.

PM Sogavare also touched briefly on the accusation that Western Province got the bulk of the projects, he stated that Western and Guadalcanal Provinces host a number of projects due to their landowners forthcoming to development.

The Prime Minister urged other Provinces to follow suit Western and Guadalcanal Provinces’ example.

“Western Province is a model province and the spirit of unity and industry has indeed manifested itself in the developments that we see here in Western Province,” PM Sogavare stated.

PM Sogavare also challenged Western Province to improve on its compliance to the minimum conditions of the Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF).

The Prime Minister further assured the Province that with the passage of the 2024 budget, technical and specialized support from the government will be made available to assist the Province in rolling out its programs.

The Prime Minister has outlined outlook for 2024 and beyond, stating that with the passage of the Provincial Government (Amendment) Bill 2023 in the middle of this year, Western and Choiseul Provinces will have synchronized elections- Provincial and National Elections.

PM Sogavare also provide update on the on- going review of the Provincial Government Act, stating that certain Provinces require certain responsibilities and functions, and their capacity to absorb these functions is what needs attention.

He added that Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening is working on the costs and benefits of the exercise.

The Prime Minister also informed the Province that government will table the amendment to section 16 of the national constitution to further the work on the draft Federal Constitution and the state government system.

PM Sogavare, however, emphasized that people must read the draft Federal Constitution to understand the implications on the Province.

“We may design the best system but any system is only as good as the people who run it. I ask you all to tread with caution,” the Prime Minister underscored.

After the Second Appointed Day, PM Sogavare was invited to officiate in the launching of the infamous Roviana Lagoon Festival 2023.

The Prime Minister and Premier of Western Province Billy Veo were given a salute of a float pass by warrior paddlers in tomoko (war canoes).

The day ended with an evening function hosted by the Prime Minister, and attendees included the Western Provincial Full Assembly, business stakeholders, church leaders, chiefs and others.

On the next day, the Prime Minister was also invited to pay a visit to the Helena Goldie Hospital which is situated at the Western End of the Munda International Airport.

PM Sogavare and madam Emmy Sogavare were given an opportunity to meet with patients and encouraged them to full health recovery.

The visit was led by Helena Goldie Hospital’s medical superintendent, Dr. Hendrick Kaniki.

Issued by OPMC

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