PHP 7.4.0 Released!

The PHP development team announces the on the spot availability of PHP 7.4. This release marks the fourth function update to the PHP 7 collection.

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On the 28:11:2019, PHP 7.4.0 has been released on the PHP official website.

If you have no idea about programming or techy background you will ask, why this blog post and why does it matter at all?

Well, the fact is PHP is a powerful server side programming language that has been around for quite sometime now. A good percentage of the websites you visited on the internet are written (full or part) using PHP programming language. Even this website you’re reading from right now is purely PHP.

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PHP is getting popular over the years. It has grown in to various flavours such as Lavaravel, Symphony, CakePHP, Slim, CodeIgnitor, and other frameworks.

PHP 7.4.0 comes with several improvements and new capabilities together with:

  • Typed Properties
  • Arrow Functions
  • Limited Return Type Covariance and Argument Type Contravariance
  • Unpacking Inside Arrays
  • Numeric Literal Separator
  • Weak References
  • Allow Exceptions from __toString()
  • Opcache Preloading
  • Several Deprecations
  • Extensions Removed from the Core

For source downloads of PHP 7.4.0 please visit the PHP official websites’ downloads page. Available binaries includes both Windows and UNIX.

The listing of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

The migration guide is available inside the PHP Manual. Please consult it for the specified listing of latest functions and backward incompatible modifications.

In my next article, I will cover the new features that is available in this release and how you as a developer can take advantage of it in your next project.

What you think?

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Solomon Water


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