Non-Executive Members of Western Provincial Assembly today expressed their disappointment at their premier for only choosing members of his executive to attend the opening of the revamped Munda International Airport.
In a statement today the MPAs’ said the biased and selective attendance of the Provincial Executive to the opening of the national project is carelessly planned and executed by the Provincial Premier.
“It is a setback of working together as a strong and united team in the province,” the statement highlighted.
The MPAs’ said the strong and effective partnership between the National Government of Solomon Islands, Development Partners, Stakeholders, Western Provincial Government and the Community of Munda led to the successful building of Munda Runway Overlay, Munda New Domestic and Munda International Terminal.
The Non Executive Members of the Western Province Provincial Assembly says it was with great success that the huge infrastructure was officially opened and handed to the people of Solomon Islands by the Prime Minister Manasseh Damukana Sogavare, MP.
The Non-Executive Members of Western Provincial Assembly are confident that the brand new Munda International Airport connects destinations with people, culture and opportunities. It is reassuring to let our people know that the opening of the airport infrastructure connects the peoples of the world to travel to the ‘Go West See West Love West’ destinations, enjoy the pristine environment by promoting people to people cultural exchanges and tapping the enlarged opportunities that may come with tourism and other socioeconomic benefits.
“We are proud to host Munda International Airport in our province. As a national project, Munda International is owned by the Government and Peoples of Solomon Islands. Thus, ownership of the infrastructure is not necessarily restricted to the Provincial Government and Peoples of Western Solomons, let the communities of Roviana and Munda. It is owned by all Solomon Islanders,” they said.
On one hand, the fact that Prime Minister Sogavare took with him an army of national Members of Parliament including Ministers of the crown to the auspicious occasion is reassuring of Solomon Islands Governments commitment and desire for rural advancement. This heartening news of confidence encourages the peoples of Western Solomons to aspire for more equitable and efficient service delivery by the national and provincial governments, the statement said.
“On another hand, the Non-Executive Members of Western Provincial Assembly are very much disappointed that Premier Billy Veo chose to invite only members of his Provincial Executive Committee to witness the opening and handing over ceremony of Munda International Airport,” the MPAs’ said.
“Needless to say that the reserved, biased and selective attendance of the Provincial Executive to the opening of the national project is carelessly planned and executed by the Provincial Premier. It is a setback of working together as a strong and united team in the province,” the statement highlighted.
Despite the dislike of the Premier Billy Veo to invite the Non-Executive Members, as reasonable leaders in the province, we assure the Governments, both national and provincial, and our peoples in Solomon Islands and Western Province that Munda International belongs to all peoples of Solomon Islands. On a local scale, let our people be assured that the wards and the peoples that we represent are also co-owners of the magnificent infrastructure.
“On a final analysis, as Non-Executive Members, we reinforce that Munda International is a national project and our united participation in the ceremony would have showcased a good spirit of working together, provincial solidarity and national unity.
Sad to say that political expediency is hindrance of working together in Solomon Islands, let alone political advancement oneself in Western Province,” they said.
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