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Labour Solutions Australia continues recruitment drive here as it wants more SI workers

Trade Commissioner in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Barrett Salato with the LSA Accounts Manager, Leanne Furniss and Lenora Langston Maeriua of the Solomon Islands Support Service (SISS) after their meeting this week.
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Another prominent Australian Employer is in the Solomon Islands this week to conduct a recruitment drive for more workers to meet the labour demands in Australia.

A team from Labour Solutions Australia (LSA) is conducting interviews with over 50 workers this week with the assistance of the Labour Mobility Unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade and the Solomon Islands Support Service (SISS) team from the Pasifiki HR office.

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LSA Accounts Manager, Leanne Furniss met with Trade Commissioner, Barrett Salato on Wednesday to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade on their visit to the Solomon Islands and to express LSA’s gratitude for the hard work shown by Solomon Islanders working under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme.

Ms Furniss said LSA is interviewing 50 individuals for George Weston Foods (GWF) in Western Australia as well as additional workers for other job opportunities out in rural New South Wales.

She said the ones for George Weston Foods are food processors who will be involved in small good products such as bacon and pork products which are cooked, sliced and sent to retailers and consumers, nation-wide as well as overseas.

For the workers in rural New South Wales, they will be assisting in feeding and watering livestock’s and driving tractors out in the farms.

LSA has been recruiting Solomon Islands workers since the start of the PALM scheme and currently between 1500-2000 workers are spread out in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

Ms Furniss said some of the workers who were recruited in the early stage of the program four to five years ago have now returned home and are enjoying their six-month break before returning to Australia for another stint.

She spoke very highly of the Solomon Island workers, some of who have made it to management level on some of their sites.

“For our company, Solomon Islands has been our largest number of workers, and I only wish that this scheme goes on forever as we are so passionate about it.

Some of the workers who were interviewed are relatives of those who have been employed with LSA. They have been endorsed by the workers and have been waiting for work in the work ready pool under the LMU.

Trade Commissioner in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Barrett Salato said the Solomon Islands always welcome Approved Employers when visiting the Solomon Islands to recruit workers.

He reiterated the availability of workers under the Labour Mobility Unit’s Work Ready Pool that can help assist Australian Employers meet their labour demands.

The Trade Commissioner expressed his gratitude to Solomon Island workers who have made their way into managerial roles in their places of employment.

Mr. Salato commended Australia and New Zealand for their labour mobility programs which has changed the lives of ordinary people who are trying to get formal jobs, not only Solomon Islands but all the Pacific Island Countries involved.

Labour Solutions Australia is Australia’s leading labour hire and recruitment provider.


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