Home Agriculture Isabel keen to host national centre for livestock breeding and distribution for...

Isabel keen to host national centre for livestock breeding and distribution for Solomon's

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Gozoruru, in Isabel Province was resolved for the National Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) to prioritise as the location for the national livestock breeding and distribution centre for the Solomon Islands.

This is part of a list of resolutions that resulted from a successful two-day consultation workshop towards the development of the Agriculture Sector Growth and Investment Plan (ASGIP) 2020 – 2030, held in Buala recently.

The consultation is part of the policy of the current government to facilitate and support the development of commercial agriculture through the development of a growth investment plan for the agriculture sector in the country for the next ten years.

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The consultation was purposely to gauge the views and experiences of every Isabel stakeholder on how they want to see the agriculture sector develop for the next ten years.

In his address during the opening of the workshop proper, Isabel Provincial Government (IPG)’s Minister for Agriculture Hon. Wilson Maebio acknowledged the important role that agriculture has in the economic and livelihood development of the province.

Hon. Maebio also pledged the support of the IPG to work closely with the current government, in implementing its national development policies including agriculture.

To demonstrate the seriousness of the IPG, Hon. Maebioh took the opportunity to reiterate to the national government the 373 hectares of provincial-owned arable land given to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) freely for an initial period of 50 years.

“This was purposely for MAL to establish a station, conduct research and development activities, establish livestock development and initiate an integrated commercial rice development”, he stated.

Policy Secretary of the Productive Sector, Dr. Samson Viulu stated that other issues that have been resolved for the MAL to consider and include in its National ASGIP 2020-2030 include, the immediate implementation of the SIG- IPG MoU for Gozuru land, the establishment of a Provincial Agriculture Council as a link to the National Agriculture Council, decentralization of specific agriculture functions from MAL to IPG, the rehabilitation of small holder and commercial coconut plantations around the province, establishment of a research center for agro forestry, establishment of basic infrastructure, establishment of livestock breeding centers and livestock feed production centers at Gozoruru and other selected sites, provision of necessary logistics and support services and facilitation of agriculture investment in Isabel through Public Private Partnership (PPP) between SIG and IPG.

The consultation workshop was conducted by officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) and Mr Simon Mannie a consultant engaged by MAL.

The National Government is fully committed to the delivery of its policies to serve in the interest of national unity and stability, lasting peace and economic advancement.

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