The Guadalcanal Provincial Emergency Operation Centre (GPEOC) has been full on Activation following the impacts of the Heavy rain and Flooding in Guadalcanal Province.
Provincial Disaster Officer (PDO) for Guadalcanal Province Mr. James Tiva Confirms that the EOC has been activated to gather information and monitor the impacts of the flooding on the areas within the Province.
Provincial Police Commander and Chair of the Provincial Disaster Operations Committee (PDOC) for Guadalcanal Province Mr. Rodney Kuma also confirms that, there are 105 evacuees from corona area took shelter as of last night at the Henderson Police station and 46 people from Roroni, Rarata and Talaura have evacuated to Tetere Catholic station on the Guadalcanal Plains as a result of Flood water affecting their homes. This will need further intervention by the relevant authorities to ensure the internally displaced people are safe in their respective safe locations.
Reports from communities also confirms Food gardens have been covered with waters and food shortages is expected in coming days and weeks.
The Guadalcanal Provincial Emergency Operation Centre encourages people living in low areas to watch out for flood waters and evacuate safely if they need to.
Impacts of this current floods in G-province is expected to be reported to the GP-Emergency Operation Centre at the following Number 7405712 or 955 and the National Emergency Operation Centre.
Public is advised to call the free toll numbers 955 only if you have information to report to the NEOC, and Contact 933 for weather updates. Do not abuse these emergency Numbers!
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