Home Breaking News Gov’t announces that work on Honiara’s potholes will start tomorrow (Wednesday)

Gov’t announces that work on Honiara’s potholes will start tomorrow (Wednesday)

Director of Engineering of MID Mike Qaqara, right, speaking to the press today. On the left is SSPM Albert Kabui and Wilson Karamui Bugotu (centre) PS Productive Sector.
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Government contractors will start tomorrow (Wednesday) patching up the countless potholes in Honiara city in a direct response to growing public concerns for SIG to address the poor state of the capital city’s roads.

Under the instruction of the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, a short-notice was issued to the press this afternoon for a conference to inform the public that the government is taking action and is addressing the potholes.

At the conference, government officials have assured the public that their contractors will head straight to work by Wednesday to address the potholes on the main road and feeder roads in Honiara.

Director of Civil Engineering Mike Qaqara told reporters that following internal government consultation with the OPMC, Ministry of Finance today—work will now start tomorrow on the roads.

He said they have already spoken to the contractors and work will start on the roads with clean up and filling of the holes whilst proper sealing of the potholes will be carried out once the weather improves.

The work will start from Alligator to White River.

SBMOnline captured and documented Honiara’s potholes yesterday especially holes in the CBD and called for government’s urgent intervention.

Today, the OPMC held an urgent meeting with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) and Ministry of Finance where they sorted out the cause of the delay and immediately re-engaged the contractors to start working by tomorrow.

SBMOnline understands that the Ministry of Finance Compliance unit had delayed the process but that had now been resolved.

Three contractors will begin the work tomorrow, on the main-road and the feeder roads. EMCO will work from Alligator to Vura Road whilst Solomon Sheets Steel (SSS) from Vura onto White River with another Xio doing the heavily used Naha and Vura Roads.

Funds for work on the main road comes from the Solomon Islands Government whilst the feeder roads under ADB’s Land Maritime Connectivity Project funding.

Special Secretary to the Prime Minister Albert Kabui said the delay was caused by internal processes in the Ministry of Finance but was fixed today.

The announcement will come as a relief to many vehicle owners who complained bitterly about the roads—especially the growing number of potholes.

Policy Secretary of the Productive Sector in the OPMC Wilson Karamui Bugotu reiterated that the government is committed to maintaining the roads.





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