Home News Father arrested for alleged rape of 16-yr-old daughter

Father arrested for alleged rape of 16-yr-old daughter

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By Timothy Inifiri Jr

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Western Province have arrested a 40-year-old male accused of raping his own 16-year-old daughter on two different occasions.

Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau during his weekly press conference earlier today confirmed that the suspect was arrested for two counts of sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 15 years, under the panel code and is remanded at the Gizo Correctional Facilities.

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The two separate incidents reportedly occurred between the 1s of July and 31st of December 2021 and on the 7th of October 2023 with the allegation that the suspect raped his daughter and molested her.

Mangau said these type of incidents has become an issue within our communities with “our children losing confidence in our communities, homes and even putting them at stake.”

“I urge all our leaders, parents, we have to make sure that we practice our traditional and cultural practices to ensure that our children are safe in their homes”, said Mangau

With this type of incidents and crimes happening in at homes, Mangau urged all religious groups, churches, community leaders and other stakeholders to join forces with the enforcement agencies in the country in trying to lessen the number of rape cases in the country.




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