The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) celebrates the International Day of Education 2023 with Solomon Islands Education Sector Support Program government partners.
The theme for the International Day of Education this year is “to invest in people, prioritise education”, which encourages the advancement of global progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals through educating people.
MEHRD acknowledged the varied and important contributions of organisations, institutions, Provincial Governments, communities, parents and guardians across Solomon Islands to provide learners with access to quality education at the 2023 International Day of Education celebration broadcasted via SIBC News Live.
Solomon Islands, Australia and New Zealand are strong, traditional partners in education through the joint Solomon Islands Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) which aims to improve access to quality basic education for all children in Solomon Islands regardless of gender, ability, and location.
MEHRD commends the ongoing leadership of schools, teachers, churches, Provincial Governments, NGOs, education authorities, and importantly parents, guardians and communities in providing learners with a right to education.
ESSP (2020-2023) includes direct budget support for MEHRD to deliver activities aligned with the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2022-26; technical advisory support to enable capacity development and skills transfer; and grant funding to non-government organisations to implement initiatives to reach the most disadvantaged Solomon Islands communities
ESSP govt partners celebrate International Day of Education 2023
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