Kibiri community children sang their poem about toilets to their parents during the Pre triggering.
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THE Communities at Vella La Vela in Western Province have expressed their appreciation for the effective implementation of the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Program by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) on the islands.

The Vela ADRA Team this month  conducted pre-triggering and triggering exercises in seven villages at North and South Vela namely Kibiri,Lambulambu, Valapata, Bakabaka, Niarovai, and Kwava—introducing the CLTS triggering program. These triggering gatherings took place from December 11 to December 18, 2023.

Community leaders, including children and women from each of these villages, actively participated in significant numbers during the pre-triggering and triggering exercise activities.

The CLTS approach empowers communities to conduct their own assessments and analyses of open defecation, mobilizing individuals to identify and address their sanitation and hygiene needs.

The Pre-Triggering phase involves assessing communities for their suitability for CLTS intervention that involves visits and to identify communities likely to respond positively to triggering. Also, facilitators establish understanding with community members, laying the foundation for a collaborative relationship.

Triggering serves as the catalyst for action, occurring over a day with a team of facilitators where the team visits communities identified as practicing open defecation, urging villagers to recognize their sanitation challenges.

Patrick Olapitu,NSSP Project Officer for Vela La Vella , expressed satisfaction with the positive response of the program by people, including chiefs and community leaders from these villages.

He said, “People from these communities informed us that this program is entirely new to them, and they have just become aware of the importance of sanitation.”

 “They expressed gratitude to ADRA for implementing this program throughout the island of Vella and assured us of their close collaboration to successfully complete this project,’’Mr Olapitu said.

Pre-triggering and triggering exercises will persist throughout this week for the remaining villages. These activities will temporarily cease during the Christmas period and will recommence on January 2, 2024.

Patrick Olapata emphasized the importance of prioritizing sanitation. He urged the community to comprehend the policy of NO SUBSIDY, emphasizing that the community must take the initiative in the CLTS project.

Mr Olapata highlighted that, just as people construct large houses without government support, the community can similarly take charge of building its own sanitation facilities.

NSSP is an implementation plan to scale-up delivery of sustainable sanitation services at provincial and national level, as well as to improve hygiene behaviors in the communities.

NSSP was funded by UNICEF for one year and implemented by ADRA Solomon Islands across Rannogah, Vela, and Kolobangara Islands in Western Province.

  • Press Release

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