Home Business Australia’s largest meat manufacturer in Solomon Islands to recruit workers

Australia’s largest meat manufacturer in Solomon Islands to recruit workers

MFAET Trade Commissioner, Barrett Salato shaking hands with the Recruitment Lead of JBS Primo, Stanton Jaftha after their meeting today. On the left is the Labour Mobility Engagement Manager- Solomon Islands of the Pacific Labour Facility, David Ramosaea and JBS Australia Palm Coordinator, Faamita Faalava. JBS Primo will be conducting interviews for local workers this week as it looks to expand its recruitment in the Solomon Islands.
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Australia’s largest meat and food processing company, JBS Primo is in the Solomon Islands to conduct recruitment under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme.

A two-member team from JBS Primo paid a courtesy visit to the Trade Commissioner in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Barrett Salato and the Labour Mobility Engagement Manager- Solomon Islands of the Pacific Labour Facility, David Ramosaea today.

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JBS Australia Palm Coordinator, Faamita Faalava said there is a solid relationship between JBS and Solomon Islands under the PALM Scheme.

Ms Faalava stressed that Solomon Islanders play a big role within JBS, with one of their facilities in Cobram, Victoria reopened with the help of Solomon Island workers.

“Because of the good work and reputation of our current Solomon Islands team, our other business units such as Primo is requesting to come to Solomon Islands.

“There is no doubt that JBS will continue to recruit from the Solomon Islands in the future,” She added.

JBS Primo will be interviewing 120 potential Solomon Islands workers during the course of this week to select a total of 60-80 workers.

MFAET Trade Commissioner, Barrett Salato acknowledged JBS Primo for coming to do recruitment in the Solomon Islands.

He said the Solomon Islands government values Approved Employers such as JBS who choose Solomon Islands as their source of labour supply.

“I understand you have already recruited hundreds of Solomon Islanders which shows your confidence in our people to deliver for your company,” He added.

The Trade Commissioner gave assurance that Solomon Islands will be a source for labour supply to the PALM scheme as more people are being drafted under the Labour Mobility Unit’s Work Ready Pool.

More Australian Approved Employers are seeking workers from the Solomon Islands due to the good work and reputation displayed by local workers already in Australia.

There are currently more than 400 Solomon Island workers recruited by JBS Foods Australia.

Prior to 2022, JBS used to recruit Solomon Island workers through labour hire companies such as Madec and LSA. In December 2021, JBS became an approved employer under PALM and started recruiting directly for their sites.

They are the biggest meat-work employer in the southern hemisphere, hence their continuous recruitment from the Solomon Islands is regarded as important for our people and employment numbers.

JBS is also said to be the largest protein company in the world. It’s founder Jose Batista Sobrinho (JBS) founded the operation as a small Butchery on Brazil in 1953. From then it has grown globally to be the largest animal Protein business in the world, producing Lamb, Beef, Pork, and recently a Salmon business. Globally, there are over 250,000 team members with its Australian operations accounting for 14,000 workers.

Primo is Australia’s largest manufacturer of ham, bacon, salami and deli meats, supplying quality smallgoods to major retail groups across Australia and operates under JBS.

JBS Primo recruitment lead, Stanton Jaftha said they are fortunate to have more than 200 workers from Fiji and Samoa working for them and can’t wait to get some Solomon Islanders into the company.


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