Home News 94 seasonal workers complete pre-departure briefing

94 seasonal workers complete pre-departure briefing

The 94 workers who will be leaving the Solomon Islands to work in Australia. Here they share a moment with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade and the Australian High Commission in Honiara.
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More Solomon Islanders are expected to leave the country to work under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme next week.

A total of 94 seasonal workers completed their Pre-Departure Briefing last Friday in Honiara.

Out of the 94, 74 are   recruited by RWM in Queensland, while the remaining 22 will be working for Harvest Hands also in Queensland.

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The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Colin Beck reminded the workers to be good Ambassadors of the country when they are in Australia.

Mr. Beck said with our ‘here to work’ brand, Solomon Island workers are known to be hardworking, reliable, honest, trustworthy and courteous.

He therefore urged workers to strengthen and maintain relationships with fellow Solomon Islanders, Pacific Islanders and others they might cross path with.

The Pre departure Briefing is an important part in the Recruitment process for the PALM scheme.

It is when workers undergo briefing sessions to understand what is expected of them working under the labour seasonal programs, understand Solomon Islands policies that they are expected to abide by, fair knowledge of their new home Australia and also to remind them to work hard to achieve their goals.

Some of the workers will leave the country on December 6th.



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