Home Breaking News 2 nominated for Malaita Premier vote tomorrow

2 nominated for Malaita Premier vote tomorrow

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Two candidates will contest the position of premier of Malaita Province in tomorrow’s election in Auki.

Speaker of Malaita Provincial Assembly Ronnie Butala confirmed to SBMOnline that former deputy premier Glen Waneta of Ward 8 in North Malaita was nominated by the former premier Daniel Suidani’s camp whilst the Non Executive’s candidate is Martin Fini of Ward 3 in West Kwara’ae.

Nominations closed 4.30pm today.

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Butala says the vote starts at 9.30 am and the resulted is expected an hour later.

A winner must poll more than half of the 33 MPAs, meaning he must collect 17 votes.

Based on the motion, the non-executive MPAs has 17 members whilst Suidani’s group 16.

Tomorrow’s election is necessary following the ousting of Suidani in a vote of no confidence vote on Tuesday.

Meanwhile police have appealed to Malaitans to remain peaceful and allow their leaders to deal with the vote tomorrow.



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